Exclusive Patreon

Large subscription boxes are no more, we are now on Patreon with multiple tiers at different price points. Subscribe for exclusive scents and products!

Become a Patron!

Welcome to the most Villainous corner of the internet! Our patreon is for the most dedicated and wicked of Villains with exclusive releases, access to first looks, and more. 

Membership works on a rolling basis. This means you must always be subscribed the previous month to receive the rewards of next month. Example: Sign up in January, be charged February 1st, and rewards begin shipping after February 5th! 

Patreon gives a 5 day window to make sure charges are processed. If your payment is declined, you will receive an email from Patreon with instructions to fix it.

Choose from 3 different tiers to customize your Villainous Patreon experience.